Publications on Ethics, Children, Marketing and Health
PhD | University of Bath. “Market Segments: Revealed or Constructed?” |
MBA | Manchester Business School (Distinction, Scholar) |
PGCE | Institute of Education, University of London (Distinction) |
BA (Hons.) | Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge University, Modern Languages |
Peer Reviewed Academic Journals
Legal, decent, honest, truthful…and trustworthy?
Nairn, A. 26 Oct 2018 Anti-Social Media. The Big Issues. Mair, J., Tait, R., Clark, T., Fowler, N. & Snoddy, R. (eds.). Abramis
Defend the Indefensible: Helping children cope with the implicit influence of online game advertising
Nairn, A. & Hang, H. 6 Apr 2016 Advertising in New Formats and Media. De Pelsmacker, P. (ed.). Emerald, p.361-379 17
Lowry, T., Chaplin, L., Nairn, A., Gentina, E,. Zawadzka, A., Bakir, A., Cauberghe, V. Hudders,L., Li, H., Spotswood, F. “Conducting International Consumer Research with Children: Challenges and Potential Solutions”, in The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior eds. Michael Solomon & Tina Lowrey, Routledge, USA
Spotswood, F. and Nairn, A. (2015) Children as vulnerable consumers: a first conceptualization, Journal of Marketing Management 32(3):1-19
DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2015.1107616
Nairn, A. and Spotswood, F. (2015). Obviously in the cool group they wear designer things. European Journal of Marketing 49(9/10):1460-1483 ·
DOI: 10.1108/EJM-10-2013-0557
Shrum, L.J., Lowrey, T. Paendelare, M., Ruvio, A., Gentina, E., Furchim, P., Herbert, M., Hudders L., Lens, I., Mandel, N., Nairn, A., Soscia, I., Steinfeld,L. Samper, A.,(2014) Materialism: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Journal of Marketing Management 30(17)
DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2014.959985
Hargreaves, D., Dom McVey, Agnes Nairn, Russell Viner. “Relative importance of individual and social factors in improving adolescent health,” Perspectives in Public Health. vol. 133, 2, pp.122-131
L. J. Shrum, Nancy Wong, Farrah Arif, Sunaina Chugani, Alexander Gunz, Tina M. Lowrey, Agnes Nairn, Mario Pandelaere, Spencer M. Ross, Ayalla Ruvio, Kristin Scott, and Jill Sundie “Reconceptualising Materialism: Functions, Processes and Consequences,” Journal of Business Research 66, pp. 1179 - 1185
Hargreaves, D., Dom McVey, Agnes Nairn, Russell Viner. “The potential for current policy reforms in England to affect adolescent health: evidence from a national cross-sectional survey,” The Lancet Online, 23rd November
Nancy Wong, L. J. Shrum, Farrah Arif, Sunaina Chugani, Alexander Gunz, Tina M. Lowrey, Agnes Nairn, Mario Pandelaere, Spencer M. Ross, Ayalla Ruvio, Kristin Scott, and Jill Sundie. “Rethinking Materialism: A Process View and Some Transformative Consumer Research Implications,” Journal of Research for Consumers, Issue 19
Nairn, Agnes and Barbie Clarke. “Researching Ethics: Are We Getting it Right with Children?” International Journal of Market Research, 54 (2)
WINNER OF IJMR COLLABORATIVE AWARD – for paper written by an academic and a practitioner | ![]() |
FINALIST FOR SILVER MEDAL AWARD 2013 – best paper of 2012 (award to be made 9th December 2013) |
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Marion Gilles and Agnes Nairn. "We Make the Shoes, You Make the Story: Teenage Girls' Experiences of Fashion: Bricolage, Tactics and Narrative Identity,“ Consumption, Markets and Culture, Vol 14, No. 1, March pp. 29-56
WINNER OF 2011 HONORABLE MENTION AWARD – top 3 cited and downloaded papers
Bottomley, Paul, Agnes Nairn, Tim Kasser, Yuna Engle and Jo Ormrod. “Measuring Childhood Materialism: Validating and Refining Schor's (2004) Consumer Involvement Scale,” Psychology and Marketing Vol 27 (7) July pp. 717-740
Nairn, Agnes, “Consumer Kids. “The influence of the commercial world on our children,”Education Review – journal of NUT. Autumn
Nairn, Agnes and Ed Mayo. “Marketing to Children on the Internet: What's Right and Wrong?” Childright, the journal of law and policy affecting children and young people. cR257 June pp. 26-30
Nairn Agnes. “'It Does my Head in… Buy it, Buy it, Buy it!' The Commercialisation of Children's Websites,” Young Consumers, Vol 9. No 4
Nairn, Agnes and Cordelia Fine. “Not Seeing the Wood for the Imaginary Trees. Or, Who's Messing with our Article?” Reply to Tim Ambler. International Journal of Advertising, Volume 27, Number 5, pp. 896-908
Nairn, Agnes and Cordelia Fine. “Who's Messing with My Mind? The Implications of Dual-Process Models for the Ethics of Advertising to Children,” International Journal of Advertising, Volume 27, Number 3, pp. 447-470
Nairn, Agnes, Christine Griffin and Patricia Gaya Wicks. “Children and Brand Symbols: A Consumer Culture Approach,” European Journal of Marketing, Volume 42, Issue 3, June
Gaya Wicks, Agnes Nairn and Christine Griffin. “The Role of Consumption Culture in Children's Moral Development: the Case of David Beckham,” Consumption, Markets and Culture, Vol. 10 No. 4, December
Nairn, Agnes and Dowsiri Monkgol. “Children and Privacy Online.” Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing. Vol 8. No. 4 April.
Nairn, Agnes and Alex Dew.“Pop-Ups, Pop-Unders, Banners and Buttons. Responsible On-Line Advertising to Children,” Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing. Vol 9, No. 1 June
Heath, Robert, David Brandt and Agnes Nairn. “Brand Relationships: Strengthened by Emotion, Weakened by Attention,” Journal of Advertising Research. Vol. 46 No. 4
Nairn, Agnes. “The Commercialisation of Children,” International Journal of Market Research, Vol 48., No, 2 pp 5-6
Heath, Robert and Agnes Nairn. “Measuring Affective Advertising: Implications of Low Attention Processing on Recall,” Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 45, No. 02 pp 269-281
Nairn Agnes and Pierre Berthon. “Affecting Adolescence: Scrutinizing the Link between Segmentation and Advertising,” Business and Society, Vol. 44, No. 3, September, pp 318-345
Nairn, Agnes and Pierre Berthon. "Creating the Consumer: The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Market Segments - Evidence and Ethics," Journal of Business Ethics Vol 42.No. 1 January (I), pp 83-99
Academic Conference Papers
Hargreaves, D. Dom McVey, Agnes Nairn, Russell Viner. “The potential for current policy reforms in England to affect adolescent health: evidence from a national cross-sectional survey,” Public Health Science, London, November
Nairn, Agnes. “You can live in a dustbin but as long as you've got in iPod you're accepted,” Child and Teen Consumption Conference, Milan, December
Nairn, Agnes, Alison Marshall and Oliver Sweet. “Childhood Wellbeing in Spain, Sweden and UK,” Market Research Society Conference, London, March
Nairn, Agnes and Marie-Agnes Beetschen. “I hadn't thought about that. Research Ethics Training in Unilever: A Case Study,” ESOMAR, Amsterdam, September
Nairn, Agnes, Alison Marshall and Oliver Sweet. “Materialism, Inequality and Wellbeing in Childhood: Using International Ethnography to Understand the Dynamics,” International Society of Child Indicators, York, 29 July
Nairn, Agnes and Barbie Clarke. “ Researching Children: Are We Getting it Right?” Market Research Society Conference, 22-23 March, London
Nairn, Agnes. “The Impact of Materialism and Inequality on Children's Wellbeing,” Workshop on Materialism and Wellbeing, Sussex University, Brighton, UK 16th March
Nairn, Agnes. “Oi! You Took That Without Asking,” Research Ethics for New Market Research, New MR Global Webinar, 8 November
Nairn, Agnes. “Protection or Participation: Getting Ethics Right for Children in the Digital Age,” ESOMAR, Montreux 15-18 September
Nairn, Agnes, Paul Bottomley and Jo Ormrod. “Those Who Have Less Want More: But Does it Make Them Sad? An Exploration of the Links Between Deprivation, Materialism and Wellbeing,” Child and Teen Consumption Conference, Norway, April 24-26
O'Donohoe, Stephanie and Nairn, Agnes. “Inoculation or Indoctrination? An ideological perspective on Children's Advertising Literacy Websites,” Child and Teen Consumption Conference, Norway, April 24-26
Nairn, Agnes, Jo Ormrod and Paul Bottomley. “Watching, Wanting and Wellbeing: Antecedents and Consequences of Materialism in UK Tweens,” MidWest Materialism Conference, 22-24 March, Champaign Urbana, Illinois, USA
Nairn, Agnes, Christine Griffin, Patricia Gaya Wicks. “Keeping Pace with the Children's Brand World – The Role of Consumption Objects in the Everyday Lives of 7-11 Year Olds”Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, 28-29 March, Birmingham
Nairn, Agnes and Christine Griffin. “Busted are Cool but Barbie's a Minger Child and Teen Consumption Conference, 27-29 April, Copenhagen
Griffin, Christine, Agnes Nairn, Patricia Gaya Wicks, Anne Phoenix, Janine Hunter. “Girly girls, tomboys and micro-waving Barbie: Child and youth consumption and the disavowal of femininity, 8th ACR Conference on Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behavior, 29 June – 1 July, Edinburgh
Nairn, Agnes, Christine Griffin and Patricia Gaya Wicks. “Corporate Responsibility in Marketing to Pre-Teen Children: Time to Widen the Parameters of Debate,” Corporate Responsibility and Global Business: Implications for Corporate and Marketing Strategy, 13-14 July, London Business School
Heath, Robert and Agnes Nairn. “The relationship between Attention and Emotion”,ICORIA, 29June – 1 July, University of Bath
Nairn, Agnes, Christine Griffin and Patricia Gaya Wicks. “Corporate Reputation and Children's Brands”, Academy of Marketing Brand and Corporate SIG Colloquium, Manchester 7th – 8th September, Manchester Business School
Nairn, Agnes and Tim Albert “What's in a voice?” Academy of Marketing, Aston
Nairn, Agnes, Laurence Ede and Pete Naude “The Practitioner's Tool Kit.” Academy of Marketing Science, Washington
Areti Krepapa, Pierre Berthon, Agnes Nairn and Robert Morgan “Elucidating Interpretation: Organizational-Level Information Interpretation in the Market Focused Firm”, World Marketing Conference, Perth
Nairn Agnes and Ed Mayo, Consumer Kids, Constable Robinson, London.
£8.99 Paperback
ISBN 978 184529 880 7
Read Review by Michael Morpurgo
and Others
Watch the 'Meet the Author' Video
Book Chapters
Hang, H. and Nairn, A. (2016). Defend the Indefensible: Helping children cope with the implicit influence of online game advertising, in
Nairn, A. (2015). Children as Vulnerable Consumers, in Consumer Vulnerability: Conditions, contexts and characteristics, eds. Kathy Hamilton, Susan Dunnett and Maria Piacentini, London, Routledge.
Nairn, A. (2014). Arguments, Bullies and Feeling Poor, in Exploiting Childhood: How Fast Food, Material Obsession and Porn Culture are Creating New Forms of Child Abuse Edited by Jim Wild, Jessica Kingsley
Nairn, Agnes. “Arguments, Bullies and Feeling Poor”, in New and Emerging Challenges in Child Protection, Child Development and Child Welfare ed. Jim Wild, Kingsley, London
Nairn, Agnes. “Barbie,” in The Wiley-Blackwell Enclycopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies, ed. Dan Cool and J. Michael Ryan. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford
Nairn, Agnes. “Advertising and Wellbeing,” Handbook of Child Wellbeing, Asher Ben-Arieh, Ferran Casas, Ivar Frones and Jill E. Korbin (Eds.), Springer
Nairn, Agnes. “Children and Brands,” in Understanding Childrenas Consumers Ed. David Marshall, Sage, London
Nairn, Agnes, Paul Bottomley and Johanne Ormrod. “Those Who Have Less Want More. The Links between Deprivation, Materialism and Wellbeing in Childhood,”in Childhood and Consumer Culture Eds.David Buckingham and Vebjørg Tingstad Institute of Education, London University and Norwegian Centre for Child Research, NTNU Trondheim
Nairn, Agnes, Christine Griffin and Patricia Gaya Wicks. “Busted Rocks but Barbie's a Minger: The Role of Brands in the Every Day Lives of Junior School Children,” Children, Media and Consumption, Eds. Ekstrom and Tufte, Nordicom, , Sweden
Nairn, Agnes and Nick Davies. “Responsible Marketing”, Kids Superbrands, Superbrands, London.
Publications on Market Segmentation
Peer Reviewed Academic Journals
Nairn, Agnes, Pierre Berthon and Arthur Money. “Learning from Giants: Exploring, classifying and analysing existing knowledge on market research,” International Journal of Market Research, Vol. 49. 1
Nairn, Agnes. “Beyond Sandler: Risk Tolerance and the UK Investment Deficit,.” Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol 9, No. 4, pp.375-389
Bottomley, Paul and Agnes Nairn. "Statistical Sirens: Can Managers Be Lured Onto The Rocks by CRM Analytics," International Journal of Market Research Vol. 46, No.2, pp 171-187
Nairn, Agnes, Laurence Ede and Pete Naude. “Multivariate Statistics in Industrial Marketing: A Tool Kit for Practitioners,” Industrial Marketing Management , Vol. 33 (October) pp 573-582
Nairn, Agnes, Pierre Berthon and Arthur Money. "Through the Paradigm Funnel: A Conceptual Tool for Literature Analysis," Marketing Education Review, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Summer), pp 55 - 66
Nairn, Agnes and Pierre Berthon. "Creating the Consumer: The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Market Segments - Evidence and Ethics," Journal of Business Ethics Vol 42.No. 1 January (I), pp 83-99
Nairn, Agnes and Paul Bottomley. “Something Approaching Science? Cluster Analysis Procedures in the CRM Era,” International Journal of Market Research Vol. 45, No. 2, pp 241-262
Nairn, Agnes. “CRM: Helpful or Full of Hype?” Journal of Database Marketing, Vol. 9, No. 4 pp 376-382
Nairn, Agnes and Richard Webber. "Implementing Segmentation in Service Firms: Contact Strategy Management, a Step Forward for the New Millennium", Journal of Database Marketing, Vol 7:2, pp 120-137
Evans, Martin, Agnes Nairn and Alice Maltby. "Gender Differences for Financial Services Direct Mail," Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol 4:2, pp 139-162
Evans, Martin, Agnes Nairn and Alice Maltby. "The Hidden Sex Life of the Male (and Female) Shot," International Journal of Advertising, Vol 19, pp 43-65
Nairn, Agnes and Martin Evans. "Back to Basics. Reading, Writing and …Sex," Journal of Database Marketing, April/June, pp 33-38
Academic Conference Papers
Xu, Susanna, Helen Walker and Agnes Nairn. “A Network Approach to Understanding “Green Buying”: A Literature Review,” IMP Conference, Manchester, September
Nairn, Agnes and Tim Albert. “What's in a voice?” Academy of Marketing, Aston
Nairn, Agnes, Laurence Ede and Pete Naude. “The Practitioner's Tool Kit,” Academy of Marketing Science, Washington
Areti Krepapa, Pierre Berthon, Agnes Nairn and Robert Morgan. “Elucidating Interpretation: Organizational-Level Information Interpretation in the Market Focused Firm,” World Marketing Conference, Perth
Nairn, Agnes and Paul Bottomley. "Something Approaching Science? Cluster Analysis Applications in the CRM era," Academy of Marketing Science, Florida.
Nairn, Agnes and Pierre Berthon. "Market Segments: Revealed or Constructed? A Literature Review," Academy of Marketing Science, San Diego
Nairn, Agnes and Martin Evans. "Gender Effects on Direct Mail," Academy of Marketing, Sheffield